We will be offering a Winter CSA for our second season! Eight weeks of farm fresh vegetables and apples – every week starting January 16th through March 11th. For the winter season, we’ll have greens, apples, and root vegetables (like carrots, turnips, radishes, beets, and a variety of potatoes)!
Due to the excessive weather conditions inflicted on the farm and personal family issues these past two years, we are taking some time to regroup from the losses and focusing only on the next coming season ahead. We will be offering all seasons, but need to take the winter to evaluate the previous CSA seasons and set a more viable business plan to better feed your families freshly. We appreciate your continued support and patience, as we work through our regrowth of the family farm. So for now, this is what we have to offer and hope it works for your family’s kitchen, schedule, and budget.
Please let us know if you have any suggestions, questions, concerns.
With Many Thanks, Lots of Love, Hugs, Thoughts, Prayers,
The Gazy Family
Please email us at gazybrothersfarm@sbcglobal.net for more details. Our registration form can be downloaded by clicking the following link: Winter 2012 Registration Form.